Day 13: Prototyping, Manufacturing & Design


Today, the prototyping group worked extensively on the minibot.  After the addition of a fourth stabilizing roller, the bot was able to climb the pole very quckly.  The prototype is improving.  The next step is to brainstorm alternative methods of pole climbing, test the alternative methods and compare the results.


Today, the manufacturing team was working very hard on pieces for the drivetrain.  The CNC was running all day cutting the sprockets for the drivetrain.  After the drivetrain sprockets were done, they moved on to the front and back rails of the chassis.  The manual machining team continued milling parts for the bumper supports.


Today, the Design team worked primarily on the arm design.  The team worked to design and begin detailing a symmetrical gearbox that will use two motors to independently drive both sets of rollers.  We are very happy with the progress made on this gearbox.  We also worked to finish detailing the drivebase and all of the remaining parts were sent to the manufacturing team.

The grabber with roller gearbox.